JOHANNESBURG: +27 861 722 626     CAPE TOWN: +27 21 914 4925


Death is an unfortunate fact of life that most don’t want to think about. It is also something that is even worse to live through. During this period of mourning there is nothing worse than having to deal with the daunting and complex task of winding up a deceased estate.


Deceased Estates

An estate includes everything you own (real property or personal property) as well as any liabilities. If you are married in community of property, you and your spouse each own half of an undivided joint estate. It cannot be separated. If you have a Will you can direct how your assets are to be distributed among particular beneficiaries.



We strive to protect and grow the assets and wealth of our clients in the unfortunate event of death. We will continue to protect and grow the inheritance of our clients' loved ones thereby ensuring the wealth and legacy of the next generation.

It is business as usual at Legatus Trust. Certain aspects are still hampered because of our dependence on the Master’s office, Deeds office and certain services which are not fully functional yet. Be assured of our continued efforts to deliver our usual service of excellence.

To contact us, click here.

Please note the following regarding The 1917 BOARD OF EXECUTORS AND TRUST Co (Pty) Ltd (“BOE1917”):

  • The BOE1917 trust and executor licence has been sold effective end August 2020.
  • All Wills where BOE1917 was nominated as executor prior to end August 2020 will still be valid and will be administered by Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd via a Power of Attorney.
  • Any updates to existing Wills where BOE1917 was nominated as executor will be done by Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd.
  • Any new Wills required will be updated with Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd as the executor.
  • All testamentary trusts emanating from Wills where BOE1917 was nominated as executor will be administered by Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd as trustee.
For any queries on Wills where BOE1917 was nominated as executor or any other questions please send an email to


"Legatus" is Latin for legacy or inheritance and defines the core business of Legatus Trust. Legatus Trust was established in 1992 and was born out of the need in the marketplace for an independent company to render fiduciary services to clients in all segments of the market.

Legatus Trust is a fully licensed, independent trust company dedicated to providing you with a full array of fiduciary services. Whether it is a Will you need, your estate to be planned through a broker, a deceased estate to be administered or a trust to be formed and/or managed, we can help you.

Today Legatus Trust is a well-respected authority on the drafting of Wills and rendering of fiduciary services throughout South Africa. Many brokers are registered intermediaries with Legatus Trust, using our expertise, advice and services which offer complete peace of mind to their clients.

View our Company Profile

The ultimate solution in asset protection

When faced with the idea of drafting a Will, many people are ignorant. You needn’t be. When it comes to making sure that your assets are left in the right hands, Legatus Trust offers you peace of mind through a series of easy steps, enabling you to draw up a legally watertight Will. Whether you are acting in your private capacity or you are a professional consultant acting on behalf of a client, Legatus Trust offers the ultimate in asset protection.

If you would like someone to contact you or if you need advice, fill out the form in our contact page.

Saambou Board of Executors Ltd

Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd has performed all fiduciary functions of Saambou Board of Executors Ltd since 1993 under the name of Saambou Board of Executors Ltd.

Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd has, since 2003, been the sole shareholder of Saambou Board of Executors Ltd and accordingly owns the Company. The Board of Executors Licence held by Saambou Board of Executors Ltd is retained within the company and thus is held by Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd.

All the Wills in which any of the following are the nominated executor and/or trustee.

Saambou Board of Executors Ltd
Saambou Eksekuteurskamer Bpk
Saambou Estates and Trusts Ltd
Saambou Boedel en Trust Bpk
SA Estates and Trusts Ltd
SA Boedels en Trust Bpk

Saambou Bank Ltd
Saambou Bank Bpk
Saambou Building Society
Saambou Bouvereniging

remain in Saambou Board of Executors Ltd and the office as executor and/or trustee shall be taken up by the duly authorised nominee of Saambou Board of Executors Ltd.

The Wills in which any of the above mentioned companies is the nominated executor and/or trustee are still valid and all deceased estates reported from such Wills must be forwarded to Legatus Trust (Pty) Ltd. Click here to view the letter from the Receiver for Scheme Creditors as issued in 2003.

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